BAT Courses
Introduction to BAT 2.0
Format: Recorded Live Webinar. This is a digital product. Does your dog bark, growl, even bite dogs or other people? Or maybe he cowers in the corner? In this on-demand...
BAT 101: Self-paced BAT Set-ups for Reactivity Online Course
Format: On-Demand online course with videos, text, and self-study exercises. This is a digital product. Ideal for Dog Professionals and those working with them, BAT 101 is a step by step guide to...
Effort-less Dog Walking: New Innovations in BAT Leash Skills (Recorded Live Webinar)
Format: Recorded Webinar - December 2, 2020. This is a digital product. In this live webinar, Grisha Stewart will share her newest leash walking discoveries. Freedom, safety, and control on leash...
Evolution of BAT 2.0 (Recorded Live Webinar)
Format: Streaming video. This is a digital product. When Behavior Adjustment Training 1.0 hit the scene, it was very controversial in the positive dog training community, largely due to misconceptions,...
Barking Mad: BAT & Other Techniques for Frustration - Online Course
Format: On-Demand online course with videos, text, and self-study exercises. This is a digital product. Prerequisite: BAT 101 Ideal for Dog Trainers and Guardians with existing knowledge of BAT, in this course, you'll learn how...
BAT Practice at Shelters (Streaming Recorded Live Course)
Format: Streaming Recorded Live Course. In this first-of-its-kind course, I coached an animal shelter team via video chat on live BAT set-ups and other techniques for dog reactivity. Ideal for Trainers,...
BAT 2.0 for Dog Reactivity ebook
Format: Digital Download (ePub, Mobi, and PDF). Other available format(s): Paperback book. NOTE: If you have already purchased this eBook or are a Diamond member of my online school, please visit the school and look in your...