Barking Mad: BAT & Other Techniques for Frustration - Online Course
Format: On-Demand online course with videos, text, and self-study exercises. This is a digital product.
Prerequisite: BAT 101
Ideal for Dog Trainers and Guardians with existing knowledge of BAT, in this course, you'll learn how to help dogs slow down to gather information - rather than demanding or rushing in.
Topics include:
Address frustration in a way that meets the dog's needs and yours.
Training set-ups using BAT for frustration issues.
Training skills that improve patience.
Format: Videos & Text with 6-12 self-paced weeks of practice.
The ideal dog for this course should exhibit frustration toward people, dogs, or some other specific thing.
Completion certificate and Certified Professional Dog Trainer CEUS available.
NOTE: If you have already enrolled in this course or are a Diamond member of my online school, please visit the school and look in your Dashboard for access. You also should have an email with a link. Thanks!