A dog-centric, practical approach to raising puppies.
Getting a new puppy is an exciting time, but caring for them and raising them into happy and content member of the family is, often, not without its challenges. Shay Kelly transfers his scientific knowledge into user-friendly information which guides the reader through puppyhood in a way that respects the pup's needs and builds enduring, healthy, relationships.
From the moment the puppy leaves the care of their mother and comes to live with us, they become our responsibility. Our job is to continue their nurture and guide them to live happily in this human-dominated world. Our job is to build a relationship we can be proud of.
This is a puppy book with a difference – It’s practical and realistic yet considers the pup’s perspective at every step.
from the Author:
My passion is to make the world a nicer place for dogs by considering their needs, not just our own. My books are written in a conversational style but are backed by scientific knowledge gained during many years of study at University Centre Bishop Burton. They describe a better way of caring for, and living with, dogs – the way of kindness and compassion, yet remaining practical and realistic. I also have a blog and a podcast available for you to enjoy.
You will find Shay Kelly's Grisha Stewart Academy course " Canine Enrichment and Affective State with Shay Kelly" here: https://school.grishastewart.com/courses/shayenrichment