Don't Eat That: Force-Free Food Avoidance Training for Dogs who Love to Scavenge (Predation Substitute Training) by Simone Mueller Paperback book
But here is the good news!
Using the proven training protocol provided in this book helps you manage your dog’s scavenging behavior in a kind, effective way - achieving long-term results without aversive training techniques.
It's inclusive for everyone, no matter what your situation is! It’s successful with any dog, regardless of their age, breed, or history. Stressful walks will become a thing of the past, and you will find relief knowing your dog is safe from eating something harmful.
If this all sounds too good to be true, believe me, it isn’t! Once you start this training protocol, the only regret you will have is that you didn’t know about it sooner!
- Why your dog loves to scavenge.
- Ways to prevent your dog from devouring food they come across outside.
- Fun training games to keep your dog motivated while they learn.
- How to teach your dog to cooperate with you when they find food.
- New emergency cues and how to apply them to real-life scenarios.
- How to make your walks more enjoyable again!
Simone Mueller, MA is a certified dog trainer and dog behavior consultant (ATN) from Germany. She specializes in force-free anti-predation training and offers help to dog owners and professionals all over the world. This is her 3rd book of her Predation Substitute Training series.
We have several webinars and courses by Simone Mueller in the Grisha Stewart Academy.
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