Tween Puppy Class Sessions (Recorded Live Course)


Format: Recorded Live Course. This is a digital product.  

Adolescence is a Time Where Anything Can Happen!

Fear periods, teenage brains, hormones - no wonder so many adolescents end up in the shelter!  It's critical to keep training during this age so adaptability is key!

These sessions were done in real life with a small online group class of "tweenage" adolescent dogs.

Expect to see some challenges and on-the-spot problem solving when we look at:

  • Jumping up

  • Shyness

  • General manners

  • Resource guarding

  • Barking 

  • Walking skills using BAT and focus training.

Completion certificate and Certified Professional Dog Trainer CEUS available.

NOTE: If you have already enrolled in this course or are a Diamond member of my online school, please visit the school and look in your Dashboard for access. You also should have an email with a link. Thanks!