New!!! The Messenger's Delivery Oracle Card Deck for Inspiration


I LOVE THESE CARDS! Each card in this oracle deck deck has a well-crafted message that is like a small boost of inspiration, wisdom, encouragement, and joy. The cards come as a deck, like playing cards, only what you do with them is just pull a card (or multiple) and read. 

If you ever find yourself stuck or wanting to ask a wiser friend questions like "what do I do?" or "how can I add more clarity to this situation?" this deck can be of service. It's way, way better than going on social media for answers.

An open invitation awaits! This is a free-form, no-rules deck created to serve as an intuitive tool. It is here to support your well being by attuning you to your intuition and deeper inner knowing. Use this deck in any way that feels resonant. No experience needed.

About this deck- The Messenger’s Delivery deck is more free-form than a structured tarot deck and can be used in a variety of ways. There are no rules that must be followed and it’s useful for anyone looking for a deeper connection to their intuition.

Think of the cards you draw as mirrors, how they reflect you, another, or the situation at hand. Illustrator/author Shanna Trumbly has included question ideas, suggestions for card layouts and a list of ways they can be used.

The Messenger’s Delivery deck contains~

  • 43 cards with gorgeous, detailed, and colorful plant and animal designs, each containing a special message for reflection. See the images for examples.

  • 2 cards printed front and back with information on how to use the deck, a list of question ideas and a variety of card layout suggestions.

This deck makes an excellent gift for anyone needing quality self-care (that's all of us). I find even folks who don't like to read will read a single card at a time, giving them insights for contentment, happiness, belonging, and a life of meaning and purpose.

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