Platforms & Fitness

Hunting Together: Harnessing Predatory Chasing in Family Dogs through Motivation-Based Training (Predation Substitute Training) Paperback by Simone Mueller


Do you wish your dog would listen to you on walks, rather than running after squirrels? Tired of getting left in the dust if a cat shows up nearby? Concerned that your dog’s prey drive is coming between the two of you? Conventional training protocols stifle your dog’s natural predatory behaviors through punishing or constantly forcing them to return.
These restrictive protocols work against your dog’s nature and against what they want most: to go for a hunt!
Predation is an inner need that makes your dog happy. Suppressing those natural urges is like putting an airtight lid on a boiling pot. Eventually, that pressure needs to escape, and without a proper outlet, it’s probably going to get messy. Wouldn’t you rather use your dog’s predation motivation to improve your training and even grow your relationship with your dog?

Predation Substitute Training (PST) is a motivation-based and need-oriented training program, designed to stop uncontrolled predatory chasing and to provide safe outlets for your dog’s natural drive. Instead of making discipline the nagging factor that spoils the fun, this training system will help you grow as a team and go hunting together!

In this training program, you’ll learn:
  • What is predation?
  • Why does your dog love to hunt?
  • Why is predatory behaviour so hard to interrupt?
To stop your dog’s predatory chasing and see real-life results, just follow the step-by-step instructions:
  • Prevention: Structure your walks to set your dog up for success
  • Predation Substitute Tools: Help your dog control their urge to chase in a healthy way when you meet wildlife
  • Predation Substitute Games: Discover new ways to express predatory energy in a safe, controlled environment
  • Safety net: Build a strong “emergency cue” to immediately interrupt predatory chasing.
Is hunting your dog’s favorite hobby? Don’t spoil the fun - go hunting together!

About the Author:
Simone Mueller, MA is a certified dog trainer and dog behavior consultant (ATN) from Germany.
She specializes in force-free anti-predation training and is the author of the Predation Substitute Training series “Hunting Together”, “Rocket Recall” and "Don't Eat That".
Simone is proud to be an Associate Trainer at the Scotland-based Lothlorien Dog Training Club (AT-LDTC) and a member of both the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) and the Pet Dog Trainers of Europe (PDTE).

Also available in the Grisha Stewart Academy: Rocket Recall online coursePredation Substitute Training webinar, Don't Eat That webinar, and the Predation Substitute Training case studies course.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mona Sif Hadaya
What a delight!

I love this book! I have already started the training with my dog and we are so excited to see the outcome! She has already started stalking the wildlife in our neighbourhood because now I let her without calling her and she is amazed!! Thank you!!